Duisekeyeva E.






        a book-training






What perevents us to be happy?


















The author of the book is Duisekeyeva Elmira – a psychologist, a specialist in the field of crisis state, NLP, smile-meditation and twist-therapy.

First of all this book is the result of self-improvement, during the course of at least fifteen years. These were years of truth and happiness search. When a man’s life has a favourable current, he follows this current and nothing worries him or her. The waves of blesses carry him in the life space, avoiding acute angles and underwater hidden stones-obstacles. Like this was my life till a definite moment. But once life put me into severe frames, called life trials and difficulties. Then I had as a minimum two ways: to leave everything as it is and to continue it or to change the attitude to this and undertake steps and actions, that in the end will bring success in life. There is a saying: “God tests us according to our strength”. A question arose: Why has it happened to me? What for? All these years I was looking for the answers to these questions. Books and people were my teachers.

We live in a surprising time. This is the time when anyone can selfrealize themselves and see that really a man is the crown of creation, a true creator of his happiness, his fate. One must only desire! Real desire is the first condition. 

The second condition – desire must be followed by actions, because no pain, no gain.

You will learn how to do it having read my book. Only:

1.     It’s necessary to want to change your life.

2.     To turn and to make steps toward these changes,

Lao-Tzu said, than a thousand mile road starts with a first step. Make this step.

This book-training is about not to build happiness in general and female’s happiness, in particular. This is a training of personal growth.

The book is written in the form of the author’s talk with the reader. It has practical exercises and meditative techniques, that allow the reader to meet himself, his feeling, his demands.

In Chapter 1 the reader meets his inner child, faces the problem of choice, adapts at happiness, luck and fortune.

In chapter 2 the reader meets his own world of feelings and thoughts.

In chapter 3 the reader meets the secrets of a happy marriage are revealed.

In chapter 4 the power of absolute (unconditional) love is opened.

Chapter 5 considers the mechanism of reality creation and transition from negative scenarios of life to positive, happy ones.

In this book I retold:

“The divine fairy-tale” and the story of Olga Gumirova

“Whom you call is exactly who comes” from the “Book for parents” from the series “Learn the truth” (book VIII) – Almaty, 2005, p. 123,133.

All the rest is a synthesis of knowledge from many original sources (among them are S. Lazarev, A. Sviyash, D. Veritshagin, V. Dolohov and V. Gurangov, M. Norbekov, Liz Burbo, Radzhish Osho, Satya Sai Baba, P. Kuelyo. Dzh. Keho, Mark and Elizabeth Claire Profet, Dipak Chopra, Pak Dzhi Vu and others), personal experience and practice.


Dear readers!

Do not hesitate to contact us: e-mail: happiness.28li08@rambler.ru

I address this book to women, though it will be useful for men as well. Why to women? Firstly because I am a woman. And secondly, because I work mainly with women.

What this book is about? Possibly, it is about woman’s happiness. This book is about how to create a woman’s happiness. I succeeded to do this. The woman with whom I worked became happier. What is a “woman’s happiness”? The author doesn’t pretend to be the only prophet in this field. The pages of the book reflect the thoughts, meditations and the view of the author. The reader is free to agree or to disagree with what they read. But I am sure that many of my thoughts will make you think about many things, to see the other side of the coin, called “Woman’s happiness”.

Woman’s happiness is a woman’s soul state. Somebody of the greatest people said “Happiness is the soul’s state”. Think how embracing this saying is “Happiness is the soul’s state” … What is a “soul”? What is a “state”? I think the emotionally-psychological aspect of a human being is meant and what does this notion include? Emotions and feelings that the man experiences since the moment of conception. There is an opinion that a person is born to be happy in this world. To be happy himself and to make the surrounding people happy. I also share this opinion. But is this really so radiant? If it were so, there would be Paradise on Earth: there would be no wars to seize territories and, as a result, material welfare. There would be no hunger, violence, terror, tyranny; there would be no humiliated and insulted people. Nothing of this kind would happen. The world is driven by passions and disgraces. Man is born, lives and dies. He comes naked to the world, naked does he pass away.       

Then why do we struggle for material welfare? Why do we struggle for a place under the Sun? To be happy. Maybe. But there is an opinion, that the rich ones also cry and suffer. So what is a man’s happiness? Possibly the one who said “Happiness is the soul’s state” was right.

Happiness is a capacious word, embracing many feeling, notions, states and sufferings. We talk about happiness when we experience pleasant joyful feelings and emotions. People of any status and position to describe happiness use approximately similar words. Not accidentally it is said that all happy families are like each other and every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. So are the people: look like each other in happiness, and unhappy in their own way.

To come to the understanding of what happiness is and how to become happy, I suggest to start with the opposite. When does a person realize that he is unhappy? I think when there are problems. They may be various: health problems, family ones, problems of spouses, financial, generation “fathers and children”, choice, career choice and others. There is one more problem, may be it is a planetary problem – loneliness. This is what “poisons” one’s life. A question arises: how to live and how to struggle with this? What is the reason that we so tragically perceive the above–mentioned events?

Numerous versions exist, describing the reasons in the consequence of which a man can be unhappy to begin with religious – philosophy ones and to finish with those purely personal ones of trials and mistakes that is in an empirical way.

I suggest the reader another approach to this issue. Firstly the word “problem” from French means an unsolved issue. Practically every mathematical problem has its decision and sometimes even several. So let’s solve issues that life brings. After all what is life? Life is the school where we grow, learn, pass exams and move from any social niche into another one, taking those vacancies for which we passed the competition selection.

Secondly any situation in our life is the result of choices made by us earlier. The matter is, that our world is a space of probabilities. Or in other words the world is multiprobable. There are time choices. Do you remember the fairy-tale: if you go to the right – you will find wealth, if to the left – you will lose your horse, if straight forward – you will perish? So it is in our life: every hour, every minute we make a lot of choices. We make them unconsciously without thinking where our choice will take us. That is why I suggest you to live consciously, that means before you do something think a little about the consequences of your choice.

Thirdly citing the classical writer “life is given to us only once and one has to live it so that not to feel pain for the wasted years”. Only I put into these words another meaning, because when we feel pain we are unhappy. Or on the contrary, we are unhappy when we feel awful pain. Many of us live as if tomorrow we can start the life anew, as if we are writing the draft of our life fair copy. No, my dear, there will never be such a possibility. Every day we weave the canvas of our life where every moment is an unrepeated design. What will this canvas be at the end of life – a unique masterpiece or trivial mediocrity depends on the person himself.

Do not believe into your imperfection. Do not believe that we depend on circumstances. Do not believe that the world is only for the selected ones. This is not true. The truth is in that a Man is originally born for happiness. And he knows about this from the very moment he comes to this world. Only then the environment makes him forget completely about this under the hypnosis of a myth that everyone must follow certain rules created by the socium. Under this influence the man forgets what and who he is, why he has come to this world and so he becomes a tiny creature, a small screw of the system, gets lost in the crowd of similar screws. So the impression is created that the world is for only selected ones. Here we try to belong to these very selected ones, starting the race called life. We create idols for us and try to be like them, who have already occupied a worthy place under the Sun, forgetting themselves. Every person is unique. Only we have forgotten about our uniqueness. I suggest you to recollect this.





By birth we all are from childhood. No matter what everyone’s childhood was like we all believed into magic, fairies and wizards. But growing we have forgotten about this. Each one of us had their own fairy land where all wishes and dreams came true. Children are pure. Every child is an individuality, a person. Every child is a whole world with its laws, harmonizing with the laws of Worldcreation. Every child is harmonious which means he is happy. The child’s world from the moment of birth is his mother. And only a happy mother can bring up a happy child.

There is a parable, a not yet born child asked the God:

-         Tomorrow I must be born, but so small and helpless how will I live?

The Creator said:

-         There on Earth an angel, chosen by me, is waiting for you to take care of you.   

The Child asked:

-          Oh, Lord, here in the Heavens I have nothing to do to be happy only to sing and to laugh. And how will I live on the Earth?

To this God answered:

-         Your angel will every day rejoice and sing for you. He will tell you the most wonderful words ever heard and will teach you to pronounce them.

-         And if I want to talk to You?

-         Your angel will twiddle your thumbs and teach you to pray.

-         But bad people are said to be on the Earth. Who will protect me?

-         Your angel will do this even if it threatens him.

-         But I will miss You always.

-         Your angel will talk with you about Me. I will be always beside you.

It was very quiet and light in the heavens at that moment. The child hurriedly asked:

-         Oh, Lord! Is it time to leave You? Please tell me my angel’s name.

The God said:

-         Names are meaningless. You will call the angel “Mother”.

Mother for the child is peace, protection, care and love, everything the tiny man needs for happiness. Children believe that their demands are always satisfied. And they are happy.

Why did I start to speak of demands? To my mind some of us live to meet their demands. The others satisfy their demands to live or in other words some live to work, others work to live. You can make a conscious choice: to live to satisfy your demands or to satisfy your demands to live.

A theory of demands exists – Maslow pyramid. The author suggests to consider the standard of man’s life from the level of his demands being satisfied. Let’s analyze these demands to the extent that it grows:

1.     Demand in survival means that we must eat, drink, dress. What can bring the man to death? Hunger, thirst, absence of warmth. This is the most important before the man starts to satisfy his higher demands.

2.     Demand in safety supposes protection against disease and harm, from everything that can cause man’s death.

3.     Social demands – demands in love and respect, feeling of belonging, accept us as we are.

4.     Demand in acknowledgment, that means self-respect, status, image, authority.

5.     Demand in self-realization – self-development, self-actualization, internal growth.

These demands satisfaction of the small child depends on his mother. There is a saying: little children – little problems. I do not agree with this because a colossal breakthrough happens from birth till three years: the child learns to find his way in the environment, learns to walk, to talk, to communicate. The little child gets to know the world. What world will his mother show him? Will this world be filled with happiness and joy or will it be gray and sad, full of bitterness and sadness?          

The child looks at the world through parents’ outlook prism. The way your child will see this world depends only on you. Huge work of soul is required from you for the child’s protection, care, affection and the most important love. All five demands of a small human being are met: it is fed, dressed, protected from diseases and dangers, it is loved unconditionally only because it is and exists. The child grows and develops. Yes, so everything goes, but … as the child grows we set requirements to it, not always reasonable ones. We cease to love children unconditionally. We say:

I will love you if …

Then a long list of the requirements is unfolded to the child: what it must or must not do TO DESERVE our love. By this action we limit the child’s social demand. The further the more: we begin to limit the children in everything, enumerating a lot of “it is not allowed”. We scold the children, or may even beat them, by this we perform an action of physical and moral violence humiliating our children. So we kill in children the feeling of their own dignity, destroy their demand in acknowledgement. And as if a natural result the demand in self-realization – the demand of self realization satisfying loses validity. Thus we with our own hands make “grey” screws of personalities. We suffer and worry, dooming our children to suffering and pain. We show the children that picture of the world, that we have seen ourselves, being children. Can a person who doesn’t know what ice-cream is tell others about it? No, he can not. To bring up a happy man, the tutor has to be happy himself.

So it turns out that at the beginning we have to become happy ourselves. A child lives inside everyone of us. Our internal child remembers everything. These are we adults with already formed own outlook, habits, opinions have forgotten about that once we were children, may be happy ones or possibly not very happy ones. We have forgotten our child joys and sorrows, though exactly these joys and sorrows made us what we are now.

Once I happened to see a scene: 3-4 year old children were brought by the parents for the rehearsal to the Dance Club. Usually the parents wait for the end of the rehearsal in the lounge to take the little gifted children home. The mother of one of them left for some time and exactly then her child went at to drink water. Not seeing his mother the child started to cry and look for the mother, for this he got a reprimand. Reprimand is a very soft word for this. It was a long tirade, as a result of which the child got the feeling of shame and disgrace. But what, actually happened? The child went to the corridor and didn’t see his mother. The child believed that it was lost. For him this event was a tragedy. Maybe the whole world collapsed, after all he has not found the dearest man, the basis of his small world. And instead of understanding and consolation he got the feeling of shame and fault. And the feeling of guilt! generates the necessity to be punished, compensating sins. We tell children that it is a shame to be afraid, to cry, to be weak, but we don’t bring up in our children the strength of spirit and maturity. The great teacher Makarenko said that upbringing must be based on a personal experience. How strong and mature are we ourselves? I suggest to research this issue.

Let’s accept that each one of us has an inner child, I suggest to meet it. Imagine that you go by an express train to take you to the station “Childhood”. There are various classes of carriages: for VIP, compartment, carriage with reserved seats. What carriage do you take? Would you feel comfortable in this carriage? I ask you to be honest to yourself, because only you know about this. Find a carriage where you will feel comfortable. This is important to define how ready you are to accept goods to which you strive. So the train leaves. Behind the windows pictures of your life flash, reminiscences come to you. You go to the meeting with your past. What is your past like? Whatever it was it is your Past and it will not change already.

It is Your past and it exactly made you what you are at present with all your good and bad features. Now the train slows down. We approach the place of destination. The station is “Childhood”.

A child meets you at the platform. This is you. The very girl or boy, you were many years ago. Come nearer and greet it. What is it like – your inner child? What does it look like? How is it dressed? What associations does it cause? What reminiscences came with him to the meeting with you? What are its needs you want to satisfy now? Talk to him and he will reveal you many mysteries, that he preserved for the meeting with you all these years. He can tell you about his distresses and sorrows, about what he really needs, what he really is short of. What do you want to do now, when you have learnt his secret? Possibly he will convey you an awful mystery how he was frightened by an angry dog and ran away, and then everybody laughed at him calling him a coward. But may be at that moment he couldn’t behave in another way, satisfying his need in protection. When he was teased he was imposed the feeling of shame and guilt, and since then he is afraid to get into a silly state not to be laughed at. This feeling of guilt brings him into such situations, where he is punished because after all he is guilty. The feeling of shame forces him to become invisible, to be like everybody and the child loses his individuality. He is ashamed to turn somebody’s attention to him because he can be laughed at. What more mysteries will your inner child tell you? You will learn about it – only you.

Today you have made a great discovery – you got acquainted with your inner child. You have learnt his mysteries, his demands. You have learnt at what step your child had stopped to help to reach the highest stage – self realization. Now it is necessary to help your inner child to grow, to become strong and mature.

And what does it mean to become strong? One of the wise men said “Only a strong man can bow, a weak one can’t do this”. How do you understand this wisdom? I understand it so: a  strong person is the one who isn’t afraid to display his weakness: to cry when it is sad, to laugh when it is funny, sincerely be sorry and to live through mutually somebody’s grief that means to be oneself, not being afraid to be laughed at. Pay attention to small children – they are naturall all the time until we have learnt them to stimulate to correspond to the system. When a man has the luxury to be himself he is happy. Remember when you were little children and become real ones.

A mature personality is the one that can behave consciously in any situation adequately to this situation. Here we approach the problem of choice. I have already mentioned the all our life is the result of choices made by us. One can make a choice to behave like a child, putting the responsibility on others and becoming a victim in this situation. Can a victim be happy? Or can one make a conscious choice, taking the responsibility for the result. If it succeeds – it will be good, it if doesn’t succeed there will be nobody to blame, instead a valuable experience is acquired. What do you want to be: a victim, in the circumstances or the master of the situation? What is your choice? Maybe you feel comfortable blaming the whole world, pretending to be a victim. But this is also your choice. Then everything depends on what how you are doing this. If you scold and curse then you are a rebellion. If you cry on somebody’s shoulder you are a moaner. Sorry for being rude. But in both cases you do not take the responsibility upon yourself: somebody is always guilty. Besides if you meekly stand all difficulties that fell to the lot of you, don’t even repine against – this is also sacrifice. And it is also sad.

But one can struggle with difficulties and remain simultaneously an optimist. That causes respect. A question arises: Are you happy in such situation? Everything depends on the model of your picture of the world. What picture of the world do you support? Through what prism do you look at the world? To my mind the above-mentioned models have one common peculiarity: you have to struggle with the world constantly.  You will not be the winner in this struggle, because the world is large. Why to struggle with windmills? May be it is better to agree peacefully? To become harmonious with it? And how? We need to be learnt by our children.

Having understood you inner child and having looked at the world through his eyes, you’ll make one more important discovery for you: the world is beautiful and has everything for everybody. Then the world will open its embraces for you and will give you everything needed for you happiness.

Ask yourself a question “What do I really need to become happy?”

For me to become happy means to devote myself to a favourite work, to have a family, to see my children happy, I want to be healthy. Money? I will come as in addition to all those goods, that life presents me. I need money to satisfy my needs. What else is there necessary for you to be happy?

Your inner child can prompt you what is you favourite business. Ask him what does he like to do, what brings him joy and pleasure? Remember, what did you dream to become in childhood, how did you imagine your future? How close you are now to your child’s dreams? Do you have a hobby? Is that what you like to do in free time? You should know that hobbies help to make money, good money.

I know a woman who likes to knit and sew. Becoming unemployed the woman started to sew for other people. The further the more: foreign designers saw her work and invited her to cooperate. Now this ex-unemployed woman is a business lady.

The son of a poor man in one church wrote a composition at school about his dream to become the richest man. The teacher gave him the mark “unsatisfactory”. How can a son of a poor man dream of wealth? The boy asked the teacher to take the unsatisfactory mark and return his dream. It was Bill Gates – the richest man in the world.

Let dream enter your life. Dreams happen and magic turns up. Calculate the miracles, that have been in your life. Miracles happen, but do not consider that the best and bright in our life – is God’s gift. All good is perceived by us as something granted. Our memory keeps difficulties and misfortunes. This is what we remember well. It is like in an anecdote: I am not unforgiving only life is frightful and my memory is good. But now you have a chance to correct everything: make a choice – to remember all the bad or count all the miracles that have happened in your life. And one more miracle will happen. The matter is that the brain is unique. It operates as if it were the best world computer. Now, having made the choice and tuned in the favour of miracle, you will reprogramme your computer on perception and attraction into your life everything you dream about for yourself and your dear ones. 

To attract favourable circumstances in your life, it is necessary to tune in a favourable wave. We said the world has many probabilities. There are positive and negative scenarios of your life in the world. Till this moment your brain was tuned in on the acceptance of negative scenarios, otherwise you wouldn’t read these lines. Only the bad is remembered by the brain. I have gone through this – this way. But once I realized that it is useless to blame a mirror. Life gave me presents, but I didn’t notice them. And this was my choice. One always can return to the cross-road, think and make a new choice. I began to count the miracles, that have been in my life.

The greatest miracle in a person’s life is the miracle of his birth. Your coming to this world is a miracle. Many explanations can support my statement, starting from the point of medicine and finishing with philosophical, religious and esoteric ones. For example only one of thousands of sperm cells fertilized ovum from which our body developed. You may have not been born because of abortion, etc. From the point of view of esoterics very many souls wait for embodiment for hundred of years to create favourable conditions to realize certain goals of the given soul. At the end your parents couldn’t meet each other. So isn’t it a miracle – your being on this planet?

Calculate all miracles, that happened in your life. Count! Perceive these miracles and thank life for these gifts. By this you will inform the world that you are grateful and ready to accept other gifts of the fate. So you will reprogramme your brain to attract happiness into your life. You will tell the world that you have finished the senseless struggle with it. Open your embraces to the world, and the world with joy will take you into its embraces, giving all the necessary for you. You have to understand that the world is a mirror, that reflects our thoughts, opinions and beliefs. See, into a what mirror you look and you will learn what is necessary to change and to improve.

Yes, work is needed, the more valuable your happiness will be. What comes easily is easily lost. What is given free, is not highly appreciated. Let’s start to build our happiness right now and you’ll become the co-creator of the Lord. You will become the master of your life. To build your happiness, you have already laid a solid basis:    

1.     You have made a choice to be the creator of your happiness and not be a strange observer of how life flows and is wasteless.

2.     You will meet with your inner child. This is also very important because according to psychologists’ opinion sacrificiality is born in childhood.

3.     Having learnt the needs and demands of your inner child, you have understood on what demands hierarchy step your inner child has stopped. And what to do to help him to find love, respect, acknowledgment to self realize.

4.     You have tuned yourself on luck, happiness and good fortune having calculated the miracles, given by the life.

5.     You have learnt what negative thoughts, opinions, outlook and beliefs are reflected in your mirror of the world. Look attentively what the world shows you. Be honest to yourself, because this is your life, your happiness. It’s your choice.     





We have built the foundation of your happiness. What is ahead? There is a view, that if there is health – there will be everything. I also share this view, moreover I support it. What does a man need to be healthy? Both physical and psychological health is needed. People say nerves are reasons of all diseases. I state that the main cause is the brain.

Thoughts and beliefs of a man create a certain matrix of health or bad health of the man. Thought is what is our brain. Thoughts are results of our feelings and emotions. Feeling and emotions appear, when the man perceives the reality surrounding him. And what is this reality like? The reality is neutral. It doesn’t bear any emotional colouring. The reality is neither good not bad. Only man can give emotional colouring to a certain manifestation of the surrounding world. Any event in our life is neutral by itself. Only we, people give to all the events a positive or negative meaning. For example, rain. Rain is a nature phenomenon, with no emotional colouring. Do you remember the song “Has the nature bad weather”? But we all in various time depending on age and circumstances refer to it differently. For example, in childhood we like to splash over the puddles, experiencing by this a whole range of positive feelings and emotions. Our mothers scolded us for the wet, dirty clothes and footwear. In youth we liked to walk in the rain. Then rain was evoking romantic mood. When we go to the country for a picnic rain spoils it to us. We are disappointed, we are in bad mood, our plans collapse. And rheumatism is the disease that “doesn’t like” damp weather at all. But farmers and summer residents wait for rain to get a good harvest. In ancient times there even were magicians of rain, that were calling rain in droughty seasons of the year to save the crops and pastures.

So all the events and phenomena in our world are neutral. Only the man gives some significance to everything in this world: positive or negative significance. Make a choice, how will you perceive the reality: positively or negatively. The first step for this is:

to learn how you really describe your reality?

Be honest to yourself. Someone may feel irritated that I often cite the phrase: “Be honest to yourself”. But this is also a problem of choice. What will be the result of our communication depends on this.

If you are sly, you will deceive yourself – because this is YOUR LIFE. If you are maximally honest and sensitive to yourself, the results will overwhelm all your expectations. It is impossible – all are bad, only I am good. Well, it just can’t be … It is very difficult to be honest to yourself, but once we have done it, we take the responsibility for our happiness. We become masters of our life. And this is also your choice. This is very important, because everything depends on what the main background of your life is positive or negative. From this depends our future cooperation or will throw away the book, meaning not to deal with me. Your health depends on this.

The matter is that in the East a person’s feelings are directly being linked with his health. For instance, our wounded feelings are in the liver, our hidden anger in the gall-bladder, female problems are linked with sense of injuries caused by male half of the humanity.

In no way do I call upon to refuse from official health care, what I do – I call upon you to perceive yourself. In applied kinesiology – a science, one of the branches of official medicine the basis is that a person’s health is a system. The health triangle is an equally-sided triangle, where one side is presented by our organs (skeleton, muscles, internal organs): this is the structure. The second side of the triangle is chemistry – all biochemical process, taking place in the body of a man. The third side is mentality – all our emotions and feelings. If a person is ill, deformation takes place, the health triangle stops to be equally-sided. Medicine works both with “structure” and “chemistry”. “Psycho” – “psychosomatics” is the field of the work of psychologists. Eastern medicine and philosophy through all these notions restore the man’s health. I call upon you to be maximum sensitive and attentive to yourself. Only you know about all fears, worries, disappointments and offence. Only you can find positive emotions and feelings resourceful for you. Everything is in your hands.

There are many health systems: H.Norbekov’s system, systems of Malakhov, Semyonova, Vostokov, teaching about positive thinking by L.Hay, Liz Burbo, yoga practice, breathing exercises, of Strelnikova, methods of mental purifying breath, etc. all the health methods work. They are presented by training groups and in books. The choice is yours! I just suggest you to perceive that if many have done, so you will be able to do it as well. Where there is a wish, there is a will, in fact everything is in your hands. And this is also your choice.

In addition to this a very important organ in the body is the spine. I consider that the spine is the basis of health, because inside the spinal column is spinal cord is situated. It gives the information from the brain to the organs and systems of the body. If there are deformations, displacements in the structure of the spinal column obstacles will appear at the signal transmission. The information is either blocked or twisted. Nutrition and innervation of the organ is broken and this causes diseases. When one has scoliosis (pathologically twists of the spine) other problems appear as well – the deformation of the chest and pelvis, leading to shifting of internal organs, which also leads to various diseases development. For example, at thoracic spine curvature the deformation of chest takes place. Inside the chest above the diaphragm are the vital organs – the heart and the lungs. When the chest is deformed, these organs are deformed and dislocated. The lungs stop to function completely. There is no breath in and breath out. The volume of coming with the air oxygen decreases. As this volume is necessary for all biochemical processes, the functioning of all the body is broken. There are also other complications as a result of scoliosis. That’s why it is very important to keep the spine healthy.

Besides the esoterics confirm that a healthy spine is a guarantee of a happy and successful life. Firstly approximately along the spine the main energetic channels flow: up going and down going currents giving the life forces according to the esoterics. Secondly remember successful people. What a posture have they? Shoulders are straight, the back is upright. These people easily put great goals for themselves and easily reach them. A stooping man produces another impression, doesn’t he? He looks for protection as if hiding from life problems. His shoulders are tiredly stooped because of unbearable life burden. That’s why you have to pay attention to your spine. If you have problems with in, go to a specialist, start recreative gymnastics. This will help you to recover health and become more successful.

Through invigoration, dear women, rejuvenation will come. Take care of yourself, love yourself! Working at your emotions, you’ll help your body. No creams will help you to overcome wrinkles if not to eliminate the reasons. And the reason lives inside us. If you put the artery pressure at the standard level the wrinkles on the bridge of the nose will disappear. Having cured the gall-bladder, you’ll “say good-bye” to goose-feet around the eyes. After all the unrealized anger lives in the gall-bladder. How many times in your life did you reserve yourself and “swallowed” your anger? How many times couldn’t you answer an offender?