For the first
time I am at the meeting of the discussion club, - A. Abenova,
a representative of the fund of support of mothers with a large family "Gibrat" has divided by her impressions about the meeting
in Women’s Resource Centre - And what I have heard about leadership and about a
real result of work of groups of self-help it is inspired simply on creation the
same one under the fund.
So, many women
address to us for help. And I have understood today that part of problems they
can solve themselves, united in groups of self-help (GSH).
Having got
consultation and training materials, I think, we are able to organize them under
the fund.
Success of GSH is in personalities
of the leader
Not only she, but also all rest of 26 participants of the meeting have
valued in high level its practical side. One side it is said simply about need
of the development of the leadership and qualities of the leader, other side is
to listen to those who has already had such qualities and manifested themselves
in the concrete deal.
Marzhan Erdenova
created group of self-help (GSH) "Densaulyk"
from Kaynar-Bulak has found the people with the same
purpose to make better life of the village. They go to the voluntary work for
this purpose, involving inhabitants in it, put the trees and bushes, fight for
purity in the streets and that children went to school
clean and clean-cut, petition about repair of the roads. Marzhan
is already well-known as a leader for a long time. Anar
Zhunisbekova, head of educational work at school is example
for her. She is clever, legally literate, principle. It was decided the matter with
the building of school on the former dacha array by her persistence. And soon
the standard building will be delivered for the usage. Anar
helps the group in work with children left by parents or from bad families,
children without parents. She decides the problems with the documents,
directions to children houses or searching for families, ready to take such children
on adoption. She agrees with the opinion of GSH that in "in healthy
society must not be unhappy children".
One more leader from Kaynar-Bulak is Zoya Tarasova, a teacher of
school ¹ 59. Her GSH "Machine operator" helped members of garden group
with the same name to legalize their own buildings and areas, obtained the
order with payment for water and electric power. It had to go against the chairman
and even to court for it. But the group has proved that it could solve their
own problems itself. GSH from Tassay managed by Rustamkhon Khusankhanov has done
the same.
His group of self-help with the support of the local authority and Women’s
Resource Centre (the last on has given two thousand euro on buying the pipes)
has solved the old problem with provision of their area by drinking water. But
now it is going to conduct it to each house.
Such activation of the groups is explained by those reasons that during
the year leaders were trained actively, advised by M. Zobnina
and M. Kopytina, the representatives of Almaty association "Moldir".
They have prepared and have distributed practical instructions on organizations
of work of groups of self-help, founded on experience of work of associations
for this meeting to all its participants.
Leaders are not voted from the management now. They become themselves if
person feels in himself not only desire, but also readiness to change something
in surrounding life to the best. Two year work of Women’s
of the meeting of discussion club.